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About our music

About the music of Joseph M. Clearwater:


It has been used for over 30 years by many therapists, teachers, but also by people without a therapeutic approach, worldwide and is still an insider tip.

 LIGHT- as a symbol of the strongest power

CLASSIC- as a symbol of musical representation

PSYCHOPHONIC - the effect of music on the psyche (mind & soul)


The compositions of Joseph M. Clearwater let the depths of the soul resound, thereby bringing about a holistic healing and have their own musical and energetic character, which is unique in the world.
The result is music that not only touches the depths of your being, but also has a healing and strengthening effect on your personality and supports you spiritually, energetically, psychically, physically, emotionally - in other words holistically - in the realisation of your visions and dreams.
With his music, which alternates between powerful and subtle, sensitive passages, he gives us the power to symbolically see the light at the end of the darkness. To dissolve unconscious patterns, to recognise the inherent strength, power, joy, love, health in all things.
It is ideal for use in meditation, to accompany healing sessions and treatments, to activate self-healing powers, to provide supportive relief from illness and psychological/mental difficulties.
Due to its harmonising nature, it is also suitable for bathing rooms in a positive light and transforming disharmonious energies.
Take your time and listen to the audio samples. You will not be able to escape the effect of this music. It should be mentioned that a sample cannot have the intensity of a piece that builds up over a longer period of time.

Our philosophy:
Music works on levels that words can only reach with great difficulty or through the "back door". Nothing can be hidden in mere music.
Negative suggestions, messages in subtext or the like are impossible. You can hear everything from the tones, you don't have to be a researcher or a musician for that. You will also feel it, and in your own individual and current way.
Joseph M. Clearwater, the composer, consciously takes a back seat to the music for this reason.
He does not want to create a personality cult and has no ambitions in that direction, does not want to be anyone's star, "master" or guru.
His music is meant to serve as a support for people to come into their own power, to find their own potential and strength, to ultimately come into the self-empowerment that creates true freedom.
Therefore, please consider the music and all related titles that you find in our range from this point of view. If, for example, Joseph is asked by someone to compose something on a certain theme, he does so if he can.
For his part, he does not orientate himself on current fashions, cults of personality or other passing phenomena. His aspiration is to capture the true essence in the form of music, the essence that remains when all veils have fallen.

Note on music:
Everyone is familiar with the compositions of Johann Sebastian Bach and knows that he was commissioned by the church to set to music certain passages from the Bible, saints of the Bible and also church cantatas on the particular Sunday service.
Likewise, Joseph M. Clearwater began many years ago, in response to requests, to clothe certain themes in a musical energy field. He describes his gift as an intuitive, conscious grasp and perception, a translation into sounds. His musical style is distinctive.
The Music Pharmacy is dedicated to making the music of Joseph M. Clearwater available to a wide audience.
Legal downloading is the future of the music industry, which is why we have chosen this route via the Internet.
The titles of the Music Pharmacy are offered as files in mp3 format 192 kbit/s, 44.1 KHz stereo.
Music is not a consumer good - music is a human need that springs from its depths and as such must be handled consciously, just as one consciously chooses certain foods and does not eat others for health reasons.

Joseph M. Clearwater's compositions are not simply music. In fact, no music is 'just music', because everything has an effect on people, whether they consciously perceive it or not.

What is special about Clearwater's meditation music is that, despite its classical nuance and partial technical and artistic complexity, it has great simplicity and clarity.
This is music you can listen to at any time, whether you have a headache, are emotionally stressed or are serene and calm.
It is devoid of any trivialities (it cannot be assigned to any genre, ranks outside panpipes and other trendy instruments that are ephemeral) and therefore finds its place apart from tastes.
And all this for a good reason: Joseph M. Clearwater's music is an information carrier, no more and no less.
Each individual track contains information that is transported to the listener, who can perceive, absorb and integrate it in his or her individuality - and only for him or herself! - can perceive, absorb and integrate.
The latest studies in neurobiology and neuropsychology show how music affects the brain and thus the whole organism, and now that we have this knowledge, we also have a responsibility - we must begin to lift music from an unconscious consumer good into a conscious, conscientious approach.

The music of Joseph M. Clearwater can be applied individually, according to need. The music itself is always to be seen neutrally, as it is above human concepts.
One can listen to the music very loudly in order to feel the strong energy in it, meditate while doing so or play it soundlessly, the energy is - independent of our human perception - always the same. It works even if we do not consciously hear it! This can be proven by the fact that this music can be used at night, for example, silently in an endless loop to fall asleep or sleep through.
We have often heard from many clients that this variant has helped.

But even when listened to consciously, the music can have a great effect: it goes incredibly deep, it can transform many old, stuck blockages and patterns (habits). It can calm, relax, it can support experiencing fantasy journeys, and much more (see the listed points above). Read the descriptions of our individual pieces of music carefully. There you will always find notes describing what exactly the music stands for and what it can do.

More about Joseph M. Clearwater:

Joseph is the composer of the many hundreds of music titles that the Music Pharmacy has now listed in its range.
Through spiritual seminars Joseph discovered the effect of music on the psyche and subsequently devoted himself to classical music (he is a great fan of Beethoven and Bruckner, among others), thus developing LIGHT CLASSIC PSYCHOPHONIC.
Joseph has a high level of musical knowledge, which he has accumulated over decades.
He played live at seminars for over twenty years and experienced first-hand how intensely and penetratingly music affects people.

A special kind of music meditation is offered by the "Personal Soul Music", which is exclusively composed for you by Joseph M. Clearwater and thus offers a unique music experience for you.
The soul music is attuned to your soul, the harmony is unsurpassable and remains for a lifetime.
Soul music allows you to reach into depths and realms of your soul that are otherwise much more difficult to reach.

The Music Pharmacy has made it its mission to make the music of Joseph M. Clearwater available to a wide audience.
The titles of the Music Pharmacy are offered as files in MP3 format 192 kbit/s, 44.1 KHz stereo.

► Our music is permitted for private use only - for commercial purposes please read here under Licences.

If you have any further questions about the music, please feel free to contact us by E-mail!
Thank you for your interest!


How Joseph M. Clearwater's music works
► The aging process is to be reversed by the energetic repair of faulty DNA programs. It has a rejuvenating effect and prolongs the vital life of the DNA.

►Damaged cells or energetic dysfunctions should be regenerated (also of brain cells).
►The endocrine gland system would be energetically strongly activated.

►The light/photon flow in the nerve and meridian system should be permanently intensified and increased.
►The self-healing powers are to be significantly improved. For example, insomnia, restlessness, depression, and many other mental, emotional and physical problems.
►The superconductivity of the DNA would be upgraded and its energy flow increased.

 ►Intensive emotional cleansing and stabilization would be triggered.
►A significant increase in performance and stress resistance would come into effect.
►One rests more and more in oneself and is clearly more stable in one's midst.

►One recognizes ever more solution ways instead of problems, since one sees oneself in addition, the outside ever more clearly.

►The manifestation effect of thoughts would be strengthened.
►Intelligence expands to higher levels of the mind.
►The frequency of the chakras and aura bodies would be increased.
 ►Perception would be expanded and mental-spiritual abilities would be activated.
►The Kundalini energy would be harmoniously increased.
►The sleeping ("supernatural") potentials should awaken.
►The uplifting qualities of Joseph M. Clearwater's music lead to an all-round increase in quality of life and consciousness on all levels (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual).
Music can support us humans in the current time of change and the associated inner alchemistic processes and lead us to a good "end"!
They would help us to actually reach and realize the long announced "New Aeon" of universal consciousness.
The basic effect of the music of Joseph M. Clearwater is identical for every person. But the individual changes that music triggers subjectively are of course very different.  Depending on how conscious someone already is, can surrender to the processes of consciousness, he can free himself from dense energies, transform them through meditation, mystery work and by how deeply he can surrender himself to the processes of consciousness.
Musik-Apotheke.com has set itself the task of making Joseph M. Clearwater's music available to a broad public.
The titles of the music pharmacy are offered as files in MP3 format 192 kbit/s, 44.1 KHz stereo.

Our music is only allowed for private use - for commercial purposes please read here under licenses.

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