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Be Without Fear | 432 Hertz

Be Without Fear - this refers to unnatural fears that can affect us in subtle ways.
Such fears can make us ill - ill in body, mind and soul.
They can be very subtle, almost unnoticed doubts and worries at first, which increase over time. But it can also be enormous fears (manipulations) that really storm us from outside and frighten us.
But also any "quiet", even more subtle form of doubt, anxiety, worry, injustice count as fear, which can increase immeasurably.
From this can grow anger, rage, aggressiveness, even hatred - qualities that ultimately only destroy oneself.
Every form of anger or hatred has tremendous power (energy) and, when it erupts, not only destroys one's mental and spiritual well-being, but also the cells in the body.
Surely everyone has experienced one form of anger or another - how the body reacts to it.
It doesn't matter if you get angry yourself or if it is inflicted on you by someone else: sensitive people feel the destructive force right down to the smallest cell. You tremble, you break out in a sweat, it's as if your entire circulatory system collapses. Afterwards, you feel drained of energy, weakened and confused. No longer with oneself - no longer in one's centre.
How can one conquer these unwanted and unnatural fears?
We have created this music in the 432 Hertz frequency so that you can energetically charge yourself with it every day, as often as you like, cleanse yourself and build a certain protective shield (energy mantle) around yourself, your family, your home and your world.
At the same time, it would be positive to purify oneself consciously and in meditation with the help of the music energy. One can imagine a violet flame that purifies the mind, soul and spirit from within and consumes (burns-transforms) everything that opposes a peaceful and loving being.
Only in the presence of a serene and peaceful mind can one protect oneself from every form of fear, doubt, worry and all the injustices of the material world (and everything "dark").
It is important to learn to first completely relax and unclench physically.
In doing so, one goes from the feet slowly upwards in thought through the legs into the pelvis, further through the entire abdomen up to the heart area to the end of the head (crown chakra).
It is worth doing this exercise. If the body relaxes first, the mind, spirit (thinking) and soul can also recover and gradually become healthy.
If you want, you can also use the sentence of Jesus: "I Am the resurrection and the life". This sentence builds up the inner cell structure. The life principle of the human being lies in his polarity chakra.
From there, energy (including music energy) can be channelled upwards through all other chakras and through the whole nervous system (the whole body), or allowed to flow.
This movement also connects with the higher consciousness that lies beyond our everyday perception - with the divine energy field - the "I Am the I Am".
This music can also be played soundlessly if one wants to maintain a certain protection and serenity in the mind. You can play this on repeat day and night - as often as you like.
The energy will be there even if the human ear does not perceive it.
However, we recommend that you consciously listen to this music in peace at least once a day at the beginning. While doing so, close your eyes, lie down or sit down comfortably and make sure that no disturbance is possible for this time.
At the end of the mediation, one can imagine being enveloped by a huge luminous energy mantle (egg shape in bright luminous light) that protects in a perfect way and on all levels of being.

© Copyright: Music, cover art, lyrics & title (© Further use, even in excerpts, only permitted with written permission/licence).


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