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I Raise My Awareness | 432 Hertz

I Raise My Awareness | 432 Hertz

Time and space are only experienced by us on earth through polarity.

In reality, in the ‘Absolute’ - God, I Am the I Am, the Creator, the Source - and thus in the universe, there is only one "condition" that can also be called Consciousness (from our human perspective). Since, as we know, there are different degrees of Consciousness, it is recognisable that the increase in Consciousness must be infinite from the perspective outside of polarity.

 And one way to experience this ‘"condition" outside of our perception of time is through music and meditation. The more intensively and often we celebrate this, the more we increase our consciousness, our "condition" accordingly.

 Music is wordless and does not need to explain anything. Words are not only limited, they are also tainted with images and experiences that we feel. So a single word can trigger or mean something different in every person. Words therefore have to be defined once and for all before we can actually understand each other - or come close to understanding each other.
It's different with music.
You feel and sense it in your innermost being (mental and spiritual state) and it can work there through its vibration and frequencies without any hindrance from entrenched thought patterns.

On earth, an increasing penetration of light energy (light means truth, wisdom and clarity, i.e. consciousness) is currently taking place in the earth's matter.
The earth and its entire galaxy are currently moving into a new, higher sphere that allows us to experience new energies and to which we now have to adapt.
As the earth and we humans receive more and more of the higher vibrational energy, the material bodies begin to change accordingly.
This process involves the integration of crystalline, etheric structures into our cells.  These changes improve our ability to hold more light and higher frequencies and increase our overall vibrational state and consciousness.
And so as we raise our consciousness, our body will follow and change. It is normal that this can cause problems during the ‘transition’, don't worry! The most diverse clinical pictures and perceptual disorders can appear, but these are only temporary as long as you are working on raising your consciousness.
This is now the ultimate goal for us humans, to achieve a light body, a "condition" of pure radiant existence, by co-operating and increasing our consciousness. This music can be a helpful support in this endeavour.

The 432 Hertz frequency music corresponds to the sacred number of creation and thus to the Golden Ratio principle, as it is part of the Golden PHI Spiral.
432 Hertz is the true, universal, equally tempered tuning system. The frequency follows the path of least resistance.
The number 432 is found in our genetic code, in the signature of our highest emotional and mental states and, as a frequency, it attunes us to the perfect sound structure of creation.
The cerebral hemispheres are also synchronised with the 432 Hertz music (creative coherence); it brings about healing.
With 432 Hertz music, the full holographic information is revealed.
This universal music has a harmonic vibration that conveys heartfelt love and works down to the smallest cells: it is the vibration of true DNA sounds. For only creative, creative power reigns in the universe, a power that signifies growth and love.
And this universal resonance can be felt in the music! The 432 Hertz music is the heartbeat in a state of compassionate love. Through 432 Hertz music it is possible to get in touch with the cosmos (the primal substance).
It is the vibration or music of the galaxy, the sacred symphony of the genetic code, the sound structure of creation - it contains the principles of the universe and of life itself. The 432 Hertz music promotes a state of clear consciousness, is coherent with the heart rhythm, synchronises the work of the organs and the biorhythm and resonates with the DNA.
These harmonious music frequencies therefore enable coherent, beneficial effects on health and well-being and generate increased creative inspiration. The sacred number 432 is not only found in music, but also in history, spirituality, architecture and sacred geometry.

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