Līlā - The illusion of matter
'Līlā' is the shining light of freedom, divine bliss and grace.
The word Lila from the Sanskrit 'Līlā' लीला means 'play' and is a term from Hinduism. Lila is the divine play in which God looks at creation through freedom and spontaneity.
In Hinduism, there are types of meditation in which the meditator constantly concentrates on the divine play, not only to grasp lila, but also to become part of God's entourage.
In the religious-spiritual sense, lila is also regarded as the joint play of the deity and human beings, in which divine bliss and grace are manifested, for a moment or for eternity.
In the context of lila, the word maya also refers to the state of delusion in which one finds oneself as long as one believes the illusion of the magical game to be reality and does not recognize that all the forms of our diverse world of appearances are actually based on a unity (Brahman, God, Creator).
The word purple therefore originates from Hinduism and was later adopted in the West, giving rise to the words violet, purple, magenta, etc.
The color purple is a spiritual energy center and chakra, the crown chakra, which is located at the top center of the head.
It is also called the Christ center.
The crown chakra has the color purple and is a spectral color that lies at the short-wave end of the color spectrum with a wavelength between 380 and 420 nanometers.
This music in the 432 Hertz has the effect of balancing the highest chakra through the color tone purple and can help to achieve intuition, spiritual insight and a strong and lasting connection to the divine, to creation.
At the same time, you can use the 'purple fire sword' (purple and violet are synonymous here) to free yourself from all blockages and unwanted forms of energy. Imagine how you cut through all invisible connections (threads, cords) with a single blow using the purple fire sword and they dissolve. Now and forever.
Visualizing the bright, glowing purple light at the top of the head (the center in the crown chakra through which divine energy flows in) can help to fully activate, cleanse and harmoniously balance (transform) this energy center by allowing this energy to flow through the entire body.
This purple energy center is also called the 'I Am Presence of God'.
If you also use the words 'I Am' at the same time, an extremely powerful energy can build up and flow through all bodies.
So use the 432 Hertz frequency music Līlā to first cleanse yourself with this divine purple energy full of joy and love and then fill yourself up completely.
Imagine the color quality as a luminous purple light that fills and envelops you, thereby permanently protecting, guiding, enlightening, nourishing and blessing you.
Tip: Our music is always effective even if it is played without sound in everyday life. The music energy will still be present and unfold its effect.