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11. The spiritual power of elimination | 432 Hertz

The spiritual power of elimination

The 12 Spiritual Powers:


1.  Spiritual Power of Faith
 Spiritual Power of Strength
 Spiritual Power of Jugdement
 Spiritual Power of Love
 Spiritual Power of the Force
 Spiritual Power of Imagination
 Spiritual Power of Mind
 Spiritual Power of Will
 Spiritual Power of Order
 Spiritual Power of Initiative
 Spiritual Power of Elimination
 Spiritual Power of Life

In addition, the 12 mental forces are in three parts of the body:
The superconscious, conscious and subconscious mental activities (see picture).
These three levels are also important for understanding the effect of the mental forces.
Because the seat of a mental power shows whether a problem/illness lies in conscious or unconscious thinking.

 Consciousness analyzes, judges, evaluates, thinks and lies in the upper region/head and radiates in all senses.
 The subconsciousness lies in the region of the heart and in the abdomen, the seat of emotions and deep feelings.
 Superconsciousness is the center of higher intelligence, has access to perfect life, inexplicable inspirations, intuitions, flashes of inspiration, telepathic and extrasensory perceptions and visions. Living energies are released here in order to flow to all 12 mental forces and to activate the very strongest energy in the human body.
In addition, the number 12 also has a strong, mystical meaning.
In addition, the 13th element is the superconsciousness/ "I Am" -centre/ "Christ Spirit" (see our Christ-Master-Music) in the ganglia-centre on the top of the brain in the crown of the head (see picture above the wreath / superconsciousness). There, when consciously working with it, an "overintelligence" is released, which extends to all 12 mental forces (see our I AM music!).

The 12 mental forces are connected to the entire nervous system of the body and their respective seats are located in the glandular and nerve centres of the human being.
Each point (see picture) is also the seat of a certain mental power, which is very effective and strongly influences a person's psychic, subconscious and state of mind.

In the places in the body where the nerve glands are located, there are the important mental forces which have always worked in the subconsciousness of the human being and which ultimately also constitute the physical condition.
If you have problems in one of these body regions near the points (see picture), you can use positive thoughts & meditation on the respective topic (seat of the mental power) to additionally effect healing with our 432 Hertz music (which has a much deeper effect). It is advisable to consciously feel into this region, to feel the power of mind there and to let the vibration of the 432 Hertz music flow into it. The fine nervous system in the body absorbs the harmonious vibrations and contributes to regeneration.

Every illness is originally more in the mind than in the body - disease is therefore less to be found in the nerves and glands themselves than in the respective mental power, which is connected with it and most likely has been abused in one way or another (whether through thoughts, words or actions, everything has an immense power that has a disturbing effect on the mind and body). Of course, abuse can also be caused by external causes, such as harsh, destructive words and actions.

Health is actually the actual normal state!
The application is now very simple:
Energy flows to where you direct your attention. Send new, positive thoughts to those psychic powers/glands/power centers in the body that need your conscious attention to experience healing through the universal, harmonious 432 Hertz music (which amplifies the healing power) and new positive thoughts.
Let the flow of energy flow flow, awaken the intelligent principle that lies in this part of the body, because the mental forces in you work with higher, intelligent powers that are beyond conscious thinking.

The mental power of elimination lies in the excretory organs, in the lower part of the back, close to the end of the spine - at the nerve centre, which directs the excretion of waste from the body - but also waste from thoughts and feelings.
Thus, the excretory organs (stomach, intestine) are those organs that first react from a elevation of the mind to positive.

However, if you hold tight-heartedly and greedily, do not let go of the past, cling to material things and situations, then all of this - even if the negative characteristics only exist in the beginning/beginning stage - leads to a narrowing of the abdomen.

Likewise, in relationships, if you want to control other people: mothers cannot trustfully let go of their children, spouses see each other as possessions, disharmonies prevail when trying to reform the partner (valid for every person you want to change), change him or her, and exaggerate by trying to bind those people to yourself.
All of this can lead to illnesses in the abdomen: kidney and liver diseases, disorders in the rectum and small intestine, in the stomach, diabetes, haemorrhoids, constipation.

The mental power of excretion loves in the subconscious. The work in this centre requires renunciation, dissolution, release, rejection and finally the elimination of all waste products of the body, as well as the elimination of all negative feelings. This nerve centre is very sensitive (subconsciously) with regard to thoughts of possession, money, finances and material concerns. Here, in order to achieve healing, the mind should be relaxed, the grasp for all kinds of material things should be loosened.

The spiritual power of excretion works closely with the spiritual center of will. A tenacious, unbending, stubborn will blocks and narrows all functions in the body. It can go so far that the body can no longer excrete its waste products, causing a slowing down of all processes in the body and, as a result, at the same time, a decrease of all energy (flow) and mobility.
It is the task of this spiritual power of excretion to release, let go and give away something (rejection, obsolete ideas, attitudes, experiences and circumstances, financial problems or greed) instead of to record!
In a healthy body there is no stasis at all! His perfect system works with high intelligence and only our mental attitude, our thoughts and actions disrupt this perfect system.

The 432 Hertz music supports the release of all old attitudes, patterns and blockages that hinder any form of excretion. It helps to eliminate the error from life (if you let go of the old, only new and good things can come) and to expand the good. The mind is challenged here and a release of the past with all its weaknesses, which makes perfect health possible here. It is a fine, high sound that causes the body to get rid of its waste (mental, mental, physical). When the thoughts are raised, the whole organism is brought to a higher level of vibration.
I let go willingly, let go of all the thoughts and feelings that bother me and do not let go. I forgive myself and others, I am free from bitter, jealous, unjust, impatient, vengeful and all wrong attitudes. All this is now simply and easily excreted and transformed from my mind and body. I'm safe and everything's fine.

Tip: Use the Hawaiian Huna philosophy: Talk to the body regions! Whether in thought or loud, you're probably talking to him, but kindly. The body reacts to you! Try it out!

Note: Depending on the case of illness, we recommend that you follow your doctor's instructions and practice this treatment in addition!

© Copyright: Musik, Coverbildgestaltung, Text & Titel (©  Weiterverwertung, auch in Auszügen, nur mit schriftlicher Genehmigung/Lizenz erlaubt.)
© Copyright: Music, cover art, lyrics & title (© Further use, even in excerpts, only permitted with written permission/licence).

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