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4. The spiritual power of love | 432 Hertz

The spiritual power of love
The 12 Spiritual Powers:


1.  Spiritual Power of Faith
 Spiritual Power of Strength
 Spiritual Power of Jugdement
 Spiritual Power of Love
 Spiritual Power of the Force
 Spiritual Power of Imagination
 Spiritual Power of Mind
 Spiritual Power of Will
 Spiritual Power of Order
 Spiritual Power of Initiative
 Spiritual Power of Elimination
 Spiritual Power of Life

In addition, the 12 mental forces are in three parts of the body:
The superconscious, conscious and subconscious mental activities (see picture).
These three levels are also important for understanding the effect of the mental forces.
Because the seat of a mental power shows whether a problem/illness lies in conscious or unconscious thinking.

 Consciousness analyzes, judges, evaluates, thinks and lies in the upper region/head and radiates in all senses.
 The subconsciousness lies in the region of the heart and in the abdomen, the seat of emotions and deep feelings.
 Superconsciousness is the center of higher intelligence, has access to perfect life, inexplicable inspirations, intuitions, flashes of inspiration, telepathic and extrasensory perceptions and visions. Living energies are released here in order to flow to all 12 mental forces and to activate the very strongest energy in the human body.
In addition, the number 12 also has a strong, mystical meaning.
In addition, the 13th element is the superconsciousness/ "I Am" -centre/ "Christ Spirit" (see our Christ-Master-Music) in the ganglia-centre on the top of the brain in the crown of the head (see picture above the wreath / superconsciousness). There, when consciously working with it, an "overintelligence" is released, which extends to all 12 mental forces (see our I AM music!).

The 12 mental forces are connected to the entire nervous system of the body and their respective seats are located in the glandular and nerve centres of the human being.
Each point (see picture) is also the seat of a certain mental power, which is very effective and strongly influences a person's psychic, subconscious and state of mind.

In the places in the body where the nerve glands are located, there are the important mental forces which have always worked in the subconsciousness of the human being and which ultimately also constitute the physical condition.
If you have problems in one of these body regions near the points (see picture), you can use positive thoughts & meditation on the respective topic (seat of the mental power) to additionally effect healing with our 432 Hertz music (which has a much deeper effect). It is advisable to consciously feel into this region, to feel the power of mind there and to let the vibration of the 432 Hertz music flow into it. The fine nervous system in the body absorbs the harmonious vibrations and contributes to regeneration.

Every illness is originally more in the mind than in the body - disease is therefore less to be found in the nerves and glands themselves than in the respective mental power, which is connected with it and most likely has been abused in one way or another (whether through thoughts, words or actions, everything has an immense power that has a disturbing effect on the mind and body). Of course, abuse can also be caused by external causes, such as harsh, destructive words and actions.

Health is actually the actual normal state!
The application is now very simple:
Energy flows to where you direct your attention. Send new, positive thoughts to those psychic powers/glands/power centers in the body that need your conscious attention to experience healing through the universal, harmonious 432 Hertz music (which amplifies the healing power) and new positive thoughts.
Let the flow of energy flow flow, awaken the intelligent principle that lies in this part of the body, because the mental forces in you work with higher, intelligent powers that are beyond conscious thinking.

The Spiritual Power of Love
The power of love lies in the heart and chest area, near the thymus gland.
Everyone knows that love is the healing energy at all.
But are we human beings really capable of love? Let us think of Jesus' saying:"Love your neighbour as yourself or love your enemies.

That's where the problem lies! It doesn't help if you try to do it, or if you try to do it with your thoughts and only try it improperly. You have to love from the bottom of your heart, unconditionally and selflessly.
But our education, our society in general, is increasingly drilling us all to be pure egoists, to enforce the elbow principle and to see that we are the first to be on top of the ladder.

Where does that lead? Flu viruses, all kinds of lung diseases, etc. have a great chance of seizing the opportunity when our psychic condition in the chest, the power of love, is weakening. But also aggression towards the next generation is on the increase, competitive thinking is in fashion, stress, depression and hatred of people are on the rise. And in secret, every human being longs for love and security, for tenderness and for true, kind words. Does it wonder (it is very alarming!) that more and more young people need psychotropic drugs to feel better?

The greater the lack of feeling of love, the more "problems" and diseases (heart disease, heart attack, lung disease, etc.) we have in the chest, lungs, heart and other effects on the whole body. Even hair loss can be caused by a lack of love - when (professional, academic) pressure and stress increase, when the impossible is demanded and only emotional coldness exists in the surroundings.

The thymus gland is located in the breast area, covers the upper part of the heart and lies behind the sternum. As a "mystical gland", it is believed to be responsible for nutrition and growth and for the development of emotional life at a young age. Scientifically, it is believed that a diseased thymus gland is responsible for rheumatoid arthritis, leukaemia and other blood anomalies. Metaphysically, however, the thymus gland (because it is very close to the heart) stands for the love nature of man. A failure of the gland indicates a failure of the spiritual power of love.

In addition, a Greek saying: Love united with wisdom is the secret of love.

Or from the scriptures of James:

Find me and fill yourself completely with my essence, you shine in holy power, blossom in knowledge and in giving, overflowing love. For love is: to respect the value of his brothers, to seek and understand them lovingly, to lift them, to support them and to gently lead them to the heights of clear knowledge. And love is to be hard against the hard and proud against the proud and mean, for I do not want you to humble yourself before pride and baseness, nor to waste yourself until they are converted.

In this sense, here is an affirmation of music: Divine love and wisdom are united to me.

With the help of 432 Hertz music, we want to give support to accept, fill and feel the feeling of love in the chest area - the thoughts and feelings of love generated by music produce beneficial chemical reactions that actually work and bring about change, generate a favourable life stream to dissolve hostile thoughts of hate and their harmful effects. As soon as they feel love, it transforms the cells in the body, radiating positive energies directed at other people. In this way, you are not only doing yourself a great deal of good, but your entire environment.
Breathe deeply and consciously as you listen to the music, direct your attention to the heart area and meditate on love. If you take it in, your body, mind and soul can be completely healthy.

Tip: Use the Hawaiian Huna philosophy: Talk to the body regions! Whether in thought or loud, you're probably talking to him, but kindly. The body reacts to you! Try it out!

Note: Depending on the case of illness, we recommend that you follow your doctor's instructions and practice this treatment in addition!


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