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Solve Trauma | 528 Hertz

General description

Trauma can be caused by a wide variety of experiences.
The word trauma comes from the Greek and means ‘injury’.
Trauma can therefore not only have physical causes, but also mostly psychological ones.
Traumas are psychological and mental upheavals that can cause deep injuries and are also known as psychological stress disorders.
It goes without saying that a trauma specialist should be consulted.

However, music can also support therapy!
We have created this music for this purpose. It is also possible to listen to this music soundlessly and play it soundlessly overnight in an endless loop, for example. The energy and its 528 Hertz vibration has an effect, even if the human ear cannot hear these energies directly.
This music gently and harmoniously releases the traumatic experiences.
The important thing is to make yourself comfortable and simply let the music play. It should not be a must. Deal with it playfully, individually and as required. This is always the best option.

Some trauma symptoms
You feel anaesthetised.
You feel that what is happening is unreal.
You have the feeling of being beside yourself
You cannot perceive the event in all its details or you block it out completely.
You are restless.
You are frozen inside.
You are unable to process additional stimuli.
You are often unable to put what has happened into words.
You show pronounced emotional swings from anger to sadness to apathy.
You have anxiety attacks
You cannot remember important information (e.g. telephone number) - please consult a specialist about other symptoms!
Some physical symptoms:
Sweating - nausea - disorientation - palpitations - pallor - shallow breathing - hyperventilating - sleep disturbances - nightmares and many more - please consult a specialist for further symptoms!
Nightmares and vivid memories (flashbacks) can occur later as part of stress processing. Those affected are tense, jumpy, irritable and have trouble sleeping. They can be haunted by fears and sometimes avoid certain things that remind them of what happened. These can be places, but also odours or objects. This is why 528 Hertz music is particularly effective here.

The 528 Hertz frequency music is described as the vibration of miracles and transformation.
The transformation refers to the following data: The third note, the 528 Hz frequency refers to the note MI on the musical scale and is attributed to the phrase ‘Mi-ra gestorum’, which means ‘miracle’, or ‘wonder’ in Latin.
Phenomenally, this is the exact frequency that biochemists use to genetically repair our DNA when it is broken - the genetic blueprint on which life is based! Imagine that it is possible to repair DNA! So why shouldn't our 97% DNA of all 12 DNA strands be able to be reactivated?
The 528 Hertz frequency has the ability to open the door to the inner space of stillness, to repair damaged DNA strands in our cells and to bring us into a harmonious balance, into the here and now, in harmony with ‘being, the divine’. This frequency also has the ability to activate and vitalise water - naturally also in our body.
The healing sound colour of this 528 Hertz frequency corresponds to the colour green (a light green) as in the middle of the rainbow and this colour corresponds to the colour of our heart chakra.

From Dr Horowitz (award-winning Harvard researcher):
‘LOVE has a special sound and colour of its own. Sending the right frequency can open hearts, bring inner peace and accelerate healing.’
We have known this since the medieval music of Hildegard von Bingen.
‘We now know the love signal (528 hertz), as one of the six core creative frequencies of the universe, because the maths doesn't lie. The geometry of universal physical reality reflects this music. These independently derived results are empirically confirmed.’

The MI with the frequency 528 Hertz, named after the expression Mira (Miracle), is particularly interesting here and the reason why the Solfeggio frequency sequence has now been brought out of oblivion in its original form.
In a time often wrongly labelled as the ‘Dark Ages’, very precise healing knowledge was obviously applied in practice:
528 Hertz is ‘coincidentally’ the frequency with which scientists repair defective DNA strands.
The term ‘miracle’ seems quite appropriate ...

Our concern on the subject of trauma:
Many people suffer from trauma, which is sometimes misdiagnosed and thus regarded as mild depression, for example, or even as trivial and hypersensitive. This is because other people who have never experienced emotional trauma cannot understand how terrible such emotional wounds can be and how much emotional suffering can hurt.

We would like to offer a solution through our music.

Music has no side effects and is worth a try. After all, it is first and foremost the soul that suffers and is wounded. If you can rebuild yourself psychologically/emotionally step by step, the rest of your life will slowly come back into harmony.
You will feel the joy of life and the desire to live again.
Achieving this goal for mentally ill people is very important to us.

Trauma can show many degrees and basically no other person can look into someone else's soul and feel how they are actually feeling.
We therefore recommend that people who are emotionally unwell and suffering, no matter how deep or shallow these wounds may seem, take it seriously and do something good for their soul.
Of course, in addition to our music tip on this topic, there are many other side-effect-free options that can also be used.

Traumas can have already occurred in childhood and also later through unpleasant experiences such as psychological abuse, which are not visible on the outside but can still be very painful.
The list is long and many people carry a burden, i.e. a trauma, with them and repress it in everyday life.

This music can also bring out and resolve what has been repressed.
The beginning of this piece of music in particular is very intense and immediately brings up old suffering and traumas and transforms them.
As the music progresses, other stored wounds in our souls are released and cleansed in a harmonious way.

Take this topic seriously and do yourself some good by taking the time and peace to deal with your own soul and to be able to feel peace and quiet, serene joy again, which is not exuberant, but quite simple and content.
We wish you a speedy recovery and every success!

You want to use our music commercially ?
See: Licenses

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