Metatron - Contact To The Angelic Realm
This heavenly music carries the creative power and the expression of Metatron.
Metatron, the Angel of Initiation represents the present, the "I Am", the voice of creation.
He is the living working light of God.
His immense power carries the true power of love into the expression of form.
Metatron is an angel of initiation, of wisdom.
He resides at the crown of the kabbalistic Tree of Life.
He is at the top of the archangelic hierarchy.
He commands the immense universal powers of creation.
He symbolically represents the planet Uranus.
One can visualize his form as being huge, surrounded by storms, thunder and lightning, his face radiates as blinding as the sun itself.
He is able to look into the face of God. He represents the powerful presence of "I Am".