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The Sphere Of Warmth And Protection

The Sphere of Warmth and Protection

In order to find The Sphere of Warmth and Protection
, it is necessary to find the way to the inner being.
This includes a deep trust in the presence of being, the awareness of the "I Am", in a divine presence that never leaves you - until the end of your finite life.
This "Sphere of Warmth and Protection" is to be found exclusively in one's own inner being, in inner unity.
Those who only long for "Sphere of Warmth and Protection" in the "outside" will find it only temporarily and never in perfection.

Jesus' words to his disciples - are a good example of this (from the Gnostic scriptures of Nag Hammadi):
"The kingdom is like a merchant who has a store of goods and who has found a pearl. That merchant was wise; he gave away the load and bought the pearl alone. You also, look for his treasure, which does not cease to exist, where no moth comes to devour, and no worm spoils."

This music helps to reach the true path to the "Sphere of Warmth and Protection" , to find it and to keep it, just as the merchant exchanged this precious pearl for all material things.
This "pearl", "The Sphere of Warmth and Protection" , remains eternally, it cannot spoil, it cannot be taken away, no matter what may come from outside, a thief, a misfortune or other problems, it is the true protection that is unassailable.
If one has found this "place" in oneself, then one is in that enlightened state of the "I Am", in being without time and space.
Close your eyes while listening to the music, go deep into your innermost, only there is the kingdom of which Jesus and many other ways have ever spoken.
When you close your eyes and meditate, you automatically go into your own inner being, where you will not find any disturbance.
Use the music to find your own kingdom - "The Sphere of Warmth and Protection" - within you and to arrive at your own, your true home!

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