Hermes Thoth, an Egyptian priest, scholar, physician and astronomer, is considered to be the founder of many sciences and arts, arithmetic, astronomy and many other fields. He is said to have lived several millennia before Christ, even the ancient Egyptians already had an old God who bore the name of Thoth, who symbolized wisdom, agility and speed.
He was not only Pharaoh, but also the crowned, supreme institution and highest intellect, an initiate. At that time, only those who knew how to rule themselves and who were liberated in the Spirit could become rulers.
The name Hermes is general, like Manu or Buddha, but has three different meanings. Hermes is the name for a person, a caste and a goddess. As a human being, Hermes is the first initiate. As a deity, it means the planet Mercury.
Mercury is actually the leader of the supernatural region of divine consecration. His person, from whom almost the entire Egyptian religion derives, was called Hermes Trismegistos by the Greeks, the pupils of the Egyptians. As the triple grandmaster of all sciences. The most famous of all his works is the emerald table attributed to him. (From this emerald table comes the following sentence:"It is the truth and really - what is above, is also below, able to perform the miracles of the One...)
Thoth's only aspiration was to pursue the deepest mysteries, and he himself was subjected to the most difficult trials. He had to endure many difficult trials, suffered his physical death before the last mystery was revealed. A fundamental law of Hermes Thoth is that only the one who achieves the Great Magisterium can accomplish the transformation in himself not only on the physical, but also on the astral and mental level. This musical composition symbolizes the qualities of Thoth.