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Power Animal Butterfly | 432 Hertz


Power animal or also called animal medicine is a Native American healing power.
The Indians knew that something connects us with the "Great Secret" and this "All That Is". So the animals with their behaviour are our allies who want to transmit healing messages to us.
This can happen when we encounter a certain wild animal more often in a certain time frame or when an animal is very rare (like the kingfisher for example) and we hardly ever get to see it and it should disappear again quickly. In each case it is a very special experience that wants to tell us something really special.
But also animals that we live with for a long time, that may have come to us or been entrusted to us, have a special meaning for us personally. Whether by chance or not, every animal has something to tell us.
Even in a dream, an animal can come across us and want to tell us something important. Of course, not only domestic animals are possible, but also wild animals from other continents. Also animals from legends such as unicorns, dragons and many others whose "medicine" has much to give us if we are awake and attentive.


"Powers you find all around, in animals and nature, for the great spirit dwells in all, from the little ant to a butterfly - or even in a tree, in a flower and in a rock." (Petaga Yuha Mani, Sioux)


The butterfly is one of the most symbolic power animals, as it symbolises personal transformation.
If you encounter the butterfly in a dream or very conspicuously in everyday life or while walking, it wants to tell you that a profound change, a transformation, a rebirth, a metamorphosis - in other words, a transformation is taking place or will take place shortly.

The butterfly music energy supports you in experiencing this profound change and transformation gracefully and with ease.

When the butterfly appears, it means that the psyche is still in imbalance.
The butterfly music energy helps you to harmonise emotionally (soul, emotional level) and mentally (mind, thinking).
Spiritually, the butterfly signifies resurrection and conveys the need for meditation. If you want to walk the path to enlightenment, this music meditation facilitates the process.
The symbolism of resurrection is anchored in the butterfly through its metamorphosis from caterpillar to butterfly.
Through its symbolism, the butterfly indicates to us that a powerful transformation, a metamorphosis in life and personality is imminent or already underway.
This 432 Hertz music supports this change and brings about renewal, a rebirth and awakens in us the lightness of being and allows us to feel playfulness and joy in life.

This transformation causes an elevation above earthly things and could be an indication that a conflict-laden situation can be viewed and accomplished with more lightness and a different perspective.
Our music has a supportive effect here.
Butterfly music awakens an inner lightness of being that invites joy and happiness into life and frees us from the heaviness of all tensions.
Butterflies often have bright colours and are associated with liveliness and brightness in a broader sense. The message of this power animal is to brighten life holistically with joy and lightness by consciously giving life more colour and beauty.



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