The Next Step
Transformation and Self-Discovery
It is often very difficult to decide what the next step to take is. Sometimes you can't decide which direction is the better one, or where the step you want to take could lead you. The doubts and fears often hinder us too much to find the right way.
This music is meant to help you to make the right decision for you - no matter what it should be about you personally. During the meditation with the music, ask yourself how each step you would like to take would feel if you do it. Feel yourself inside and see how they do it. Then imagine another way/step in the same way. If you have more than one idea, just go through each of them.
Pay attention to situations that you encounter at the moment, e. g. whether you notice a certain colour over and over again, certain words, things, people or other things - all this can be a hint to get you on the right path.
The transformation consists in overcoming the fears and doubts that, in one way or another, prevent every human being from taking the next step into new, unknown territory. The music helps you to clarify the thought process holistically, to organize projects, to take the next step - be it in the personal, inner area, or in the outer life.