Capricorn - Zodiac Sign
- 22.12. - 20.01.
- Music stimulates your self-healing power and supports therapie treatment and healing processes.
- Function mode: Perception
- Temperament: Cardinal
- Stones: Diamond, Eagle Eye, Sapphire
- Colours: Shades of brown, Orange
- Areas of the body: Teeth, Bones, Knee Joints
- Plants: Pasture
Description of Capricorn:
Capricorn-People are personalities who have a need of security and structures.
Not being narrow minded and stubborn is the big challenge of those people.
It is better looking at the big picture, like Sagittarius says. Keep cool and try to be well-balanced deep inside of your heart.
The music supports Capricorn-People to achieve their goals and using their own power like a wise man.